Wednesday, October 23, 2024

WORLD WAR COLUMBUS: The War on Western Culture…

In Philadelphia PA, in the case of In Re: Appeal Of Friends Of Marconi Plaza [et al.], the plaintiffs in that case, said Friends of Marconi Plaza, et al., have filed an appeal in Pennsylvania Supreme Court, on behalf of the Italian American residents of Philadelphia, to resolve the fight over Philadelphia’s Christopher Columbus statue.  The trial court prevented the City from removing the statue and ordered it to take down the “coffin” built around it, and the City appealed to the nine-judge Commonwealth Court, which reversed the trial court’s order.  The plaintiffs now ask the seven justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to restore the trial court’s order to free Columbus’s statue.

 Also in Philadelphia PA, WHYY Public Broadcasting System published an online op-ed article on behalf of a Marxist group called “Philadelphia Radical Italians” justifying the removal of Philadelphia’s Christopher Columbus statue based on false information about Christopher Columbus, such as that “Columbus was a man who committed acts of genocidal brutality against Indigenous peoples and enslaved Africans, considered appalling by even his contemporaries.”  Philadelphia attorneys Christine Flowers, Esquire, who appeared in episode 7 of “Christopher Columbus University,” and host Robert Petrone, Esquire, coauthored a rebuttal, which WHYY has refused to print.  In correspondence dated October 29, 2021, Ariella Cohen, Managing editor of WHYY “PlanPhilly,” wrote curtly to Attorney Flowers, “Please feel free to approach another platform.  We do not plan to publish at this time.”  The authors are indeed seeking another platform to host their article.

Also in Philadelphia PA, Filitalia International is hosting “A Taste of Italy” on Sunday, December 12, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the History of Italian Immigration Museum, which features an exhibit on Christopher Columbus, the first Italian immigrant, first civil rights activist of the Americas and first Founding Father.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish to share their culinary Italian traditions (see attached flyer).  RSVP here. Filitalia International is hosting “A Taste of Italy” on Sunday, December 12, 2021, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish to share their culinary Italian traditions (see attached flyer).  RSVP here.
In New York State, Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul attempted to cancel Christopher Columbus Day by proclaiming Oct. 11 as Indigenous Peoples’ Day only hours after walking in the Columbus Day parade that morning.  After a public outcry, she amended the proclamation, stating that Columbus Day would still be celebrated on the second Monday of October in New York.  Then, she sparked another uproar by dissolving the state’s Italian American Affairs office, effectively firing director Dolores Alfieri, though no other ethnic offices were cut.  The New York Commission for Social Justice, the anti-defamation arm of the New York Grand Lodge of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America urgently requested a meeting with the governor to petition for the reinstatement of the Italian American Affairs office in a letter from Chairman John Fratta and President Michele Cangiano Ment.  Gov. Hochul ignored the letter, but, after another firestorm of criticism, pledged to hire a new Italian-American Affairs director, though not former-Director Dolores Alfieri, for some undisclosed reason.
In Florida State, Republican Governor Ron DeSantis recognized the importance of Christopher Columbus Day to Italian Americans in his Columbus Day Proclamation. In it, he honors the legacy of Christopher Columbus and addresses the defamation by those who seek to portray Columbus and Western culture in a negative light rather than a force for good.  Governor DeSantis stated in his proclamation that Christopher Columbus “exemplified courage, risk-taking and heroism in the face of enormous odds,” and was “a visionary” and “a founding father.”  The Republican governor stated also that “Columbus Day commemorates the life and legacy of the Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus … whose travels … ultimately l[e]d to the establishment of the United States of America [and] set the precedent for the contribution of European immigrants to the development of the culture and economy of the countries of the Western Hemisphere …. [H]ad Columbus and the explorers who followed him not traveled across the Atlantic, the country we hold dear and the lives we enjoy would not exist.”

In Youngstown OH, Youngstown State University has decided to cut its Italian program.  One young student, Jenna DeLuca, is leading a student revolution to overturn the decision.  You can help their fight against the damnatio memoriae of Italian culture by signing the students’ online petition at the following website.  I’ll repeat it twice so you can write down the web address.  All characters are lower case in this particular address.  Here we go: [repeat twice]

In Boston MA
, the Italian American Alliance asks all to sign their online petition to return Boston’s Christopher Columbus statue, which was criminally decapitated, to Columbus Park.  I’m going to give you a 26-character website address.  As always, I’ll read it twice and it is case sensitive.  All but one of the characters in this web address are lower case, and I’ll tell you which one is upper case when I get to it.  You can find the Italian American Alliance’s online petition to rescue their Columbus statue at:  [read again]

In Martha’s Vineyard MA, the “Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition” (ughhh….there’s that “opposite speak” again; you can always tell when you hear the word “diversity” in the name of some group, it’s going to involve excluding people or some other villainy) … the “Martha’s Vineyard Diversity Coalition” is currently working on a proposal to island schools in support of renaming Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples Day on school calendars.  According to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, Jocelyn Walton, the co-chair of the “Diversity Coalition” education committee (yeah, “education,” right), seeks to “ensure that every Island child gets the education they deserve, in an environment where they feel valued and safe” … except for Italian American children, apparently, whose feelings of value and safety Co-chair Walton doesn’t seem to give a hot damn about.
In Seattle WA, Amazon has altered the search algorithms to hide from searches Bartolomé de las Casas’s seminal primary historical source, History of the Indies, which puts the lie to all defamation about Christopher Columbus, revealing that Columbus not only took no part in the atrocities of the West Indies but spent his life fighting against those who committed them — and succeeded, bringing peace to the West Indies and securing the freedom of the Tainos from the Spanish hidalgos.  Though the book does not show up on searches, it can still be purchased here.  Be sure to acquire a copy before Big Tech and Big Media treacherously wipe it from the face of the earth in their virtual “book burning.”
For more information about these and other news stories regarding the worldwide fight to preserve Christopher Columbus’s legacy and Western culture, listen to Robert F. Petrone’s weekly, a 20-minute segment on Radio Voice Italia at:
Episode 31: Columbus the Great Governor was aired Wednesday, November 17, 2021, on Radio Voice Italia
Robert Petrone
Robert Petrone
Robert Petrone, Esq. is a civil rights author and attorney, and expert on Christopher Columbus. He is also: President of the South Philadelphia Chapter of Filitalia International Chair of the Committee for Heritage Justice, Filitalia International & Foundation Co-chair of Conference of Presidents Subcommittee to Preserve Columbus Day Host of "Christopher Columbus University" on Radio Voice Italia Co-curator of the informational repository

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