Friday, February 7, 2025

Robert Petrone inaugurates Christopher Columbus University at Radio Voce Italia

Worldwide internet radio station Radio Voice Italia, which airs live every Wednesday night at 6 pm to 9 pm U.S. Eastern Time, has bestowed upon Robert Petrone the honor of having a weekly segment titled, “Christopher Columbus University,” a 15-20 minute segment in which he will update listeners on the worldwide efforts to preserve Christopher Columbus’s legacy — including the historic lawsuit by Italian American groups across the world against the City of Philadelphia — and educate listeners on the true history of Christopher Columbus as borne out by the primary sources.
You can listen live here or scroll down to listen to archived episodes after they are broadcast.  We invite you to listen in and spread this information to anyone you think may be interested.
Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Direttore Editoriale della rivista.

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