Wednesday, March 5, 2025

WORLD WAR COLUMBUS: Battle Scars and Undeterred Resolve

In 21 countries across the planet, Radio Voice Italia listeners have rung in the new year with, so far, five classes of a six-class series from il Professore Robert Petrone of “Christopher Columbus University,” each dedicated to debunking one of the eight slanders regularly and falsely levied against Christopher Columbus — that he was supposedly a racist, rapist, maimer, murderer, slave-trader, slave-owner, grifter and genocidaire.  Class number 35, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Racistclass number 36, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Rapist; class number 37, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Maimerand class number 38, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Murderer/Genocidaire, are currently archived for listening at the embedded links.  Class number 39, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Slave-Owner/Slave-Traderaired tonight, Wednesday, February 2, 2022, on Radio Voice Italia and will be archived soon.  The final class of the six-part series, class number 40, Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Grifter, will air on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, on Radio Voice Italia.  Whenever you hear someone repeat any of the slanders, you can send that person the link specifically debunking the lie.
In Philadelphia PA, Federal Court Judge C. Darnell Jones has dismissed the civil rights lawsuit of the 1492 Society, Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations and other litigants brought against the mayor for replacing Christopher Columbus Day with the misnomer “Indigenous People’s Day,” on the basis that the claim lacked any “particularized discriminatory impact or injury.”  Plaintiffs’ attorney George Bochetto, Esquire, reports that he is appealing to the 3rd Circuit US Court of Appeals on the basis that Judge Jones failed to consider the stark pattern of Anti-Italian discrimination by the mayor leading his cancelling Columbus Day, and only dismissed for lack of standing as to each issue of the Mayor’s conduct in isolation, rather than as a whole, a factual question that should not have been decided by the court. Meanwhile, Attorney Bochetto is simultaneously fighting in Pennsylvania Supreme Court – the Commonwealth’s highest appellate court — the City’s appeal of Common Pleas Court Judge Paula Patrick’s order preventing the City and its mayor from removing its Christopher Columbus Statue from Marconi Plaza.  Judge Patrick filed an advisory opinion to the Supreme Court in support of her order which Attorney Bochetto characterizes as “incredibly well-thought-out and ha[ving] significance far beyond this case.”  The opinion addresses the City’s failure to comply with the Philadelphia Code and other due processes in its attempts to remove the statue, and how the City’s rationale for wanting to remove the statue was “clearly arbitrary and inconsistent with the Philadelphia Code.”  Oral arguments have not yet been scheduled in Supreme Court in the matter.
In NYC, Mayor Eric Leroy Adams, a former police officer who was recently elected to the Big Apple’s chief executive position, pledged, during his candidacy, that he was opposed to removing the City’s Christopher Columbus statue.  His most recent appointments of several prominent Italian Americans to his administration seem to support that, including, First Deputy Mayor Lorraine Grillo, Chief of Staff Frank Carone, Deputy Mayor of Operations James Oddo and “Efficiency Czar” Lorraine La Rocca.  Best of luck to Mayor Adams and his new cabinet and staff.
In Syracuse NY, Executive Director Gregg Tripoli, featured in Episode 33, The Jewish Crewmen & Contributors of Columbus’s Voyages for his ignorance and ahistorical take on Christopher Columbus as an historical villain, now sits in charge of Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh’s “reimagining committee” for that city’s Christopher Columbus Circle, where Tripoli will spearhead the city’s attempt to remove from the site the Christopher Columbus Statue and change the name of the circle.  The Columbus Monument Corporation and its attorneys must win their oral argument before Onondaga County Supreme Court Judge Gerard J. Neri in its lawsuit against Mayor Ben Walsh to prevent him from demolishing the statue and eliminating that Columbus Circle.  The argument occurred on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 10:30 a.m. at the request of Mayor Walsh’s attorneys and was open to the public.  We now await with bated breath the ruling of Judge Gerard J. Neri.  “And the eyes of the world are watching now.”


In Boston MA, City Councilwoman Lydia Edwards of Boston’s First District, who recently replaced former Councilman Salvatore LaMattina has just been elected to the state senate, replacing former State Senator Joseph Boncore.  As city councilwoman, Edwards betrayed her Italian American constituency by supporting interim Mayor Kim Janey’s spiteful cancelation of Columbus Day and posting to her FaceBook page the hateful, ignorant and ahistorical message that “[w]e need to divorce Columbus from the celebration of Italian heritage. Period.”  Who, precisely, Ms. Edwards means by “we” remains to be seen; she is not Italian, so where she gets off telling Italians how “we” are to celebrate our heritage is a mystery.  Communications Officer Tom Damigella of the Massachusetts Italian American Alliance wrote a letter to Councilwoman Edwards, condemning her words and actions.  Boston’s Italian American newspaper, the Post Gazette, published the letter, in which Mr. Damigella told the Marxist Councilwoman [quote], “It is clear to me that you have not even taken the time to educate yourself as to why we defend [Christopher Columbus] or [to] investigate how many historians have debunked the popular urban myths about Columbus[‘s] so-called atrocities [alleged] in Howard Zinn’s book, The People’s History of the United States 30 years ago.  These are lies that have been perpetuated unfortunately for political reasons.”  Mr. Damigella urged Bostonians to “call[] out” the Marxist Councilwoman Edwards “on her hostile decision towards Italian American’s legacy in this city.”

In Gilford CT, that city’s Board of Education changed Christopher Columbus Day on its school calendar to the shared holiday of CC Day / Indigenous People’s Day (even though the tribal peoples of the Americas are not indigenous, but the first colonizers of the Americas).  No input was solicited by the Board from the community or its teachers on the change.  President Matthew Guarnieri of the Italian-American Defense League asks everyone to contact Dr. Paul Freeman of the Gilford Board of Education to strongly but politely ask that Columbus Day and any holiday recognizing the tribal peoples of the Americas or indigenous peoples of the world be celebrated on separate days.  You can either call or email Dr. Freeman at 203-453-8210, or email him at [email protected].

In Pueblo CO, a criminal defendant named Vicente Martinez Ortega, charged for the felony desecration of that city’s Christopher Columbus statue in May 2021, has been elected to Pueblo City Council.  According to the Pueblo City Charter, felons may not serve on  City Council and must forfeit their position.  Instead, defendant Ortega is gaming the Pueblo criminal justice system, seeking to pleas guilty to a lesser, misdemeanor charge so that he can wield political power in Pueblo.  Please email special prosecutor Cody Christian at [email protected] and tell her not to accept anything less than a felony conviction for defendant Vicente Martinez Ortega’s desecration of Pueblo’s Christopher Columbus statue, and politely and briefly tell her why in your own words.
For more information about these and other news stories regarding the worldwide fight to preserve Christopher Columbus’s legacy and Western culture, listen to Robert F. Petrone’s weekly, 20-minute segment on Radio Voice Italia at:

Episode 16: Lou Gallo, Educating the Indoctrinated about Christopher Columbus

Episode 22: Debunking Howard Zinn 
Episode 39: Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Slave-Owner/Slave-Trader aired on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, and will be archived soon on Radio Voice Italia
Episode 40: Debunking the Myth of Columbus As a Grifter will air on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 on Radio Voice Italia
Robert Petrone
Robert Petrone
Robert Petrone, Esq. is a civil rights author and attorney, and expert on Christopher Columbus. He is also: President of the South Philadelphia Chapter of Filitalia International Chair of the Committee for Heritage Justice, Filitalia International & Foundation Co-chair of Conference of Presidents Subcommittee to Preserve Columbus Day Host of "Christopher Columbus University" on Radio Voice Italia Co-curator of the informational repository

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