The most important association to which Italians can belong in USA is the Order of the Sons of Italy (OSIA). Its aim is to retain Italian culture while helping their community with scholarships, donations, etc.

the association, individual lodges tend to also create the proper environment for socialization by throwing parties on special dates, such as Carnevale or Natale, organizing bus trips to cultural centers or casinos, and why not?, also organizing Mother’s day lunches and tombola events. OSIA is then a fruitful environment for any Italian or Italian American who want to be part of the action.

For example, Giuseppe Garibaldi Lodge # 2583 of the Order of the Sons of Italy successfully initiated twenty-two new members on April, proving its steadfast determination to expand evermore into its community of Tuckahoe/Eastchester (Westchester, New York)

The meeting was festive and solemn at the same time, celebrating the newcomers’ official acceptance while showing them the procedures connected to OSIA’s meetings. The new members were instructed on the various activities and possibilities to volunteer.
The initiation is a ceremony which therefore takes a particular relevance because it’s the first step toward a productive and spiritually rewarding membership in one of the most interesting and fun associations of America.
Photos by Rob Farella