Monday, March 31, 2025

27th Anniversary Readings & Special Events

The Italian American Writers Association is celebrating its 27th Anniversary. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its literary series every 2nd Saturday of the month. Readings begin with an Open Mic: IAWA-East is held odd months at Sidewalk Café and IAWA-West continues at Cornelia Street Café on even months.
Visit and join us at
IAWA’s #MeToo Moments
in Poetry and Prose
Saturday, November 10, 2018
WHERE: Cornelia St. Cafe, 29 Cornelia St., NYC
WHEN:  Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 @  5:45 – 7:45 pm

WHAT:  IAWA Speaks Out: The #MeToo Movement 
The Italian American Writers Association is celebrating its 27th Anniversary in 2018. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its monthly 2nd Saturday literary series.  IAWA East is held even months at Sidewalk Café and IAWA West takes place at Cornelia Street Café during odd months. Readings begin with an Open Mic followed by two featured authors. 
WHO: This month, IAWA members address sexual harassment, and bullying in the workplace. 
Featuring are: B. Amore, Daniela Gioseffi and Maria Lisella who will be reading from prose pieces that are included in the upcoming anthology.
Other contributors are welcomed to join as are all participants of the Open Mic:  Amy Barone, Paola Corso, Jessica Femiani, Marisa Frasca, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Daniela Gioseffi, Maria Giura, Maria Lisella, Kathryn Nocerinio, Lisa Paolucci, Nina Tassi,  Maria Terrone, and Tina Tocca. 
@ Cornelia
NOTE: Open Mic readers need not adhere to the theme. 
Bring a poem, a prose piece, bring a friend.
Hosting: IAWA Board member, Maria Lisella and Member Marisa Frasca
COVER:  $10 includes complimentary drink.  
CONTACT:; or 212-989-9319.
DIRECTIONS:  A, B, C, D, E, F, and M to West 4th St. or 1 to Christopher St.-Sheridan Sq.
WEBSITE: Web Mistress: Christina Bruni
IAWA Newsletter: [email protected]t
Feel free to send links to book reviews of Italian American authors’s books to Annie Lanzillotto 
who will post the links to our Facebook
 Our Mission: 
IAWA promotes Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution, translation, and study of writing by Italian American authors.. The three rules of IAWA:
Read One Another, Write or Be Written, and Buy Our Books
Next Readings 
December 8: Emerging Italian American Voices
from various metropolitan universities and colleges.
@ Sidewalk Cafe
Jan. 12, 2019 @ Cornelia St.
Feb. 9 @ Sidewalk
Love, Lust, Eros featuring Peter Marra and Camillia Trinchieri
March 9 @ Cornelia 
featuring Italiano per caso, Italian by Chance
Bernard Block and Rosalie Calabrese
April 13 @ Sidewalk
Laura Caparotti, Versetto Libero, Free Verse 
Three Readers, Two Languages
May 11 @ Cornelia
June 8 @ Sidewalk
Tales of Two Maria’s
Maria Terrone and Maria Giura
Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Direttore Editoriale della rivista.

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