Saturday, March 8, 2025

9/11/2001 W. T. C.

Since 2001, September 11th is remembered in United States and in many parts of the world for the deep pain this tragedy has caused, not only to Americans, but to all democratic nations and the Western World in particular. That day, the whole world suffered those terrorist attacks: the treacherous blows suffered by the United States of America left their trace on all Western nations and even on the Arabic world. Today we are in the midst of a global economic crisis and the Arab states are not exempted from it.
The City of Port St. Lucie, in Florida, wanted to dedicate a monument to the victims of that day, engraving their names in granite blocks, which were placed all around a fountain. In the middle of the fountain, supported by four columns, built in perfect replica of the WTC giant columns, rests a chunk of steel, which belonged to the Twin Towers and came on purpose from the Big Apple, positioned so as to point to New York.
Albert Hickey, at the time a homicide detective with the NYPD, and his wife Christine, have been for years the promoters in Florida of the annual organization. They recalled with emotion that terrible day, and after witnessing the March of Honor and the subsequent salvo shots in the air by the Army Company, they introduced some 9/11 eyewitnesses who, with heartfelt emotion, described their experience.
Christine Hickey also set up, in the gallery of the Civic Center of Port St. Lucie, an exhibition of photos and videos made eleven years ago. Images that may put you in awe when observing them, but that at the same time give you hope for reconstruction, which is now under way.
The book “The Island of Tears”, published by Idea Press in 2012, was also presented to the public. This collection of poems was dedicated to September 11th by our correspondent from Santeramo, in Apulia. Her verses embrace all the feelings of this wonderful poetess for the City of New York.
The book also bears the testimony of Albert Hickey, who was a first respondent, and worked for over a year searching clues to identify the terrorists involved in the attack, and eventually bring them to justice.
Thank you, Albert and Christine, your commitment is worthy of our gratitude and, as you declared, we all must remember to commemorate this day, so as not to forget.

Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Leonardo Campanile, LindaAnn LoSchiavo, and Dominic Campanile

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