Sunday, February 23, 2025


From Vinitaly International Academy in New York and – for the first time – in Canada in January, to the 49th edition of the exhibition itself brought forward to March, through to the International Wine Competition in April and then Expo on 1 May with the Italian Wine Experience Pavilion named “Vino – A Taste of Italy”. Here is the schedule of Vinitaly’s calendar of appointments for a year that, thanks to the Universal Exposition in Milan, will be a major launch-pad for Italian wine in the world.

This year will be a special year for the image of Italian wine around the world, with the spotlight on Expo in Milan.

immagine1Veronafiere is directly involved in the implementation of the “Vino -A Taste of Italy” Pavilion promoting the Italian wine experience and has reorganized and expanded its calendar of events dedicated to wine in Italy and abroad in order to ensure the best possible synergy with the huge event in Milan.

Vinitaly is scheduled 22-25 March and the schedule for Vinitaly and the City, the Vinitaly evening off-show event,  changes. This event, which will take place for the first time outdoors in Verona’s historic squares, is scheduled 19-24 March: 6 days instead of 2 last year, in order to offer wine lovers and professionals arriving from all over the world even more time to discover the taste and quality of Italian wine and food.

The end of January sees Vinitaly International resume its activities together with the Vinitaly International Academy educational events in New York 27 January and in Toronto, Canada, during the first edition of Vinitaly Canada, on 28 January.

A special Vinitaly presentation is planned in New York on 2 February during the Italian Wine Week

organised by ICE (Italian Foreign Trade Agency), while another presentation of Vinitaly and the “Vino – A Taste of Italy” Pavilion will be held on 19 February in New York during the Italy Gala of the Italian Wine & Food Institute, for which Vinitaly is a partner.

Given at the Universal Exposition in Milan, the International Wine Competition will be held as a special exception after Vinitaly – 12-16 April – and not before as tradition. The most important and selective wine competition in the world celebrates 22 editions and thereby becomes a showcase for the best wines from all producing countries. Italian wines winning Grand Gold Medals and Gold Medals will in turn be the protagonists of special tastings organized during Expo in the Vino – A Taste of Italy pavilion. Entries for the competition are open from 1 February to 25 March.

As for quality extra virgin olive oil, following the very positive experience in 2014, the Sol d’Oro Competition will again be split in two – with the edition dedicated to olive oils from the Northern Hemisphere scheduled 15-21 February and olive oils from Southern Hemisphere in September.

Diletta Maria Cecilia Loragno
Diletta Maria Cecilia Loragno
Diletta Maria Cecilia Loragno si è laureata in Lettere Classiche con il massimo dei voti e la lode con una tesi di Laurea in Letteratura Greca presso l’Università di Bari, dove ha conseguito anche il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Italianistica, completando il suo percorso di studi presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano con il Master in Museologia, museografia e gestione dei beni culturali. Ricevuta la Nomina di Cultore della Materia dall’Università di Bari, ha partecipato in veste di relatore a diversi seminari e convegni nazionali e internazionali.. Letteratura e Arte hanno sempre occupato un posto speciale nella sua formazione: nei suoi reportage giornalistici, la moda è descritta, con un linguaggio naturale e armonico, come una sublime forma d’arte. Segue tutto ciò che riguarda il Made in Italy e il Lifestyle, dal food al wine passando per il glamour e il design. E’ Art Director dal 2017 dell’evento da lei ideato e curato presso l’isola di Capri, ‘Capri Incontra’, un pomeriggio dedicato alle Emozioni. E’ iscritta all’Ordine dei Giornalisti (Elenco Pubblicisti) dal 2007.

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