Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Italian Glass Weeks: Italy’s most important event dedicated to glass in all its forms and processes

In the UN International Year of Glass, Vision Milan Glass Week, and The Venice Glass Week unite to present The Italian Glass Weeks: Italy’s first festival dedicated to industrial and artistic glass, which will take place in Milan from 10th to the 18th of September and in Venice from 17th to the 25th of September 2022.
Applications can be submitted for the Venetian week from 11th March until 3rd May, while applications for the Milanese week can be submitted until 30th May 2022

The Venice Glass Week 2021, photo by Massimo Pistore

The Venice Glass Week, the two most important festivals in Italy dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of glass at an international level, both from an industrial and artistic point of view, announced the launch of a new joint festival: The Italian Glass
“The Italian Glass Weeks will be the largest event in Italy, and most probably in Europe,
that will be dedicated to glass in 2022: two weeks animated by initiatives designed for all
kinds of audiences. Culture and technology will be the keywords that run throughout the
program: not as two separate dimensions, but deeply and inextricably linked, one
functional to the development of the other, according to the peculiar characteristics that
distinguish them, making them unique” — commented the President of VITRUM, Dino
Zandonella Necca, who continued — “With The Italian Glass Weeks we intend to give
renewed strength to the positioning of the Italian glass supply chain at an international
level, underlining how the Italian proposal is “unique ”and“ original”. Only in Italy, in fact,
does glass draw directly on origins that have created and developed a unique history and
culture; culture and history that have never stopped, in a continuous flow that has brought
them to us via centuries of tradition”.
Any candidate who wishes to propose an event or project in the field of glass will be able
to apply to participate in the festival from 11th March 2022. Applications for the Venetian week will be welcomed until 3rd May 2022, and Applications for the Milanese week will be welcomed until 30th May 2022. The contribution of companies, associations, sponsors, and partners who would like to propose their own initiatives to be included in The Italian Glass Weeks will be fundamental to the festival program, which is already in development with an exciting calendar of scheduled events.
For information about how to apply, and to read the “Conditions of Participation” at: www.theitalianglassweeks.com

The Venice Glass Week 2021, photo by Massimo Pistore

The event, designed specifically for the 2022 “UN International Year of Glass” will feature exhibitions, workshops, art installations, shows, activities for children and families as well as guided tours, cultural seminars, workshops, and much more, taking place in Milan and Venice over the course of a fortnight. The Milanese week will run from the 10th to the 18th of September, with a program that will be primarily dedicated to industrial glass and design, while the Venetian week will run from 17th to 25th September 2022, and will be dedicated to artistic glass.

The Venice Glass Week 2021, photo by Massimo Pistore

“We are particularly satisfied with this new project – said the Organising Committee of The Venice Glass Week — which could help to provide great momentum for the artistic glass sector, both this year and in the future. The five-year experience of The Venice Glass Week has paved the way for the creation of something bigger and more ambitious, thanks to the great work of all those who have always believed in the project. For Murano, which represents the homeland of international artistic glass, and which unfortunately is suffering
considerably in this economically difficult period, it has the potential to become a moment of rebirth and great international visibility. The collaboration with VITRUM and Vision Milan
Glass Week for The Italian Glass Weeks is therefore strategic, especially in this year which
the UN has designated as the International Year of Glass. It’s a great sign, and above all, it’s an important synergy that we hope will last for a long time”.
For the international public, the cities of Venice and Milan are synonymous with Italian
tradition and style.

The Venice Glass Week 2021, photo by Massimo Pistore

Venice, thanks to the 1000-year-old tradition of glassmaking that has been handed down
from generation to generation on the island of Murano, is the city of artistic glass par
excellence, as well as a capital of culture and one of the world’s most popular tourist
destinations. In Venice, The Venice Glass Week festival has been organized since 2017, taking place across the city center as well as Murano, surrounding islands, and the
mainland. Each year the festival has featured over 250 events, involving furnaces and
glass companies as well as museums, public and private foundations, universities, art
galleries, hotels, restaurants, shops, and more.
Milan, which hosted the first edition of Vision Milan Glass Week, is a contemporary city
that continues to represent Italy’s technological progress and is the true capital of the country’s economy, design industry, and production sector. The city is home to GIMAV, the Trade Association belonging to CONFINDUSTRIA, which represents the manufacturers and suppliers of machines, accessories, equipment, and special products for glass processing. It is also where, for over forty years, glass industrialists have organized VITRUM, the International Exhibition of machinery and technologies for glass processing.

General Information:
[email protected]

Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Direttore Editoriale della rivista.

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