JoAnn Faiella Mayor of Port St Lucie in Florida, delivered the “State of the city 2013”
People are the reason for Politics.
Government is all about Serving the People.
Government is all about Serving the people! As your Mayor, I will always be there to be a servant to the families of our great city that we call home. As your Mayor, I will always continue to have an open door policy for you and your concerns. I believe that we all are important to the success of our city. I will continue to listen to what you have to say.
As Mayor, I have battled for every person, family, business and for every neighborhood.
Why? Because this city is all about “YOU” Together, we can continue to work to make our city the best it can be accomplished by: continued job growth, educational excellence in our public school, a safe environment to live and raise our family, city and parks that are second to none, health services that are the best in our area.

Our CRIME FELL ANOTHER 19.3 % in 2013, after falling 19.6% in 2012. Our PROPERTY VALUES are up 5.25%. The UNEMPLOYMENT RATE in Port St Lucie has dropped from 14% in August 2010 to7.2%. The Census Bureau says we added about 2000 leisure & hospitality jobs since January 2010 in addition to 2100 jobs in education & health services. Forbes ranked our city as one of the 25 BEST PLACES to live & retire and one of the top200 Best Places for Business & Careers. Allstate Insurance Company recently ranked our city as one of the 50 SAFEST CITIES for driving.
According to Florida realtors, the average sale price for a single family home in our area is up 12% and selling in 63 days. reported that the American Lung Association said the Port St Lucie area is one of the TOP FIVE in the Country for the CLEANEST AIR.
Our city need to continue whit the positive vision of our future for all.