By Tiziano Thomas Dossena
Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land where people went to rest and enjoy a vacation, lived a man who brought a lot of happiness to people who met him. A fable, that’s how Lino Tallone’s life would be summarized by many, and certainly by me.
I was 20 years old when I met him, in my first foray into that ‘magic land’ that was Villaggio Italia, in the hamlet of Haines Falls, Upstate New York. From the first moment, I realized that Lino had a particular talent that made him special. You see, Lino was a musician, part of a trio that became a duo the following year, who enlivened the stage at Villaggio. What gift did he have? Well, let’s step back a moment and talk about Villaggio Italia first…

In the heart of what was defined as the “Italian Catskills,” Villaggio was the pearl of the valley. Close enough to Hunter Mountain and its skiing trail for the winter, it offered a vast property of 110 acres of fun to its guests. Families from New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, came to spend a week or two during the summer season and on the holidays.

The place offered so much for people of all ages. It was a true resort with activities galore. I should know since I became the social director in my second summer. With no portable video games and cellular phones to distract them, the guests could enjoy shuffleboard, tennis, swimming, bocce, golf, games of all types, and a lot of dancing. Young kids had their area and games to play with, so every family member was cared for and pampered during their vacation. The glue that held it all together, though, was the band, the famous “I Liguri,” who had migrated to Villaggio after a couple of years performing on cruise liners.

Their music was available in the afternoon, where they spent their time playing Italian songs and creating an atmosphere of lightheartedness and social cohesion among the many guests, or should I call them friends? Lino tended to surprise them with funny remarks, always leaning toward misunderstanding words, suggestive expressions, or comments about their habits or customs as Italians. He was never offensive or vulgar, though, and parents did not fear their children would be exposed to foul language.

At night, the nightclub became the kingdom of I Liguri, with the drums and melodic voices of either Renzo, in the ’70s, or Pino, in the ’80s and ’90s, coupled with Lino’s accordion or synthesizer music. They created the perfect ambiance for rekindling a love affair or starting a new one. The nightclub performers were in awe of I Liguri’s ability to recreate the sound of an orchestra with just two instruments, the accordion and the drums. They also appreciated that the guests were already primed by Lino’s remarks and the introduction by the social director.
Villaggio Italia was a great resort for many years, and many people still miss it. Multiple generations of Italian Americans were brought up enjoying Villaggio’s good features, and all could attest that Lino was one of them.
His musical ability, along with his vibrant personality, unconventional jokes, playful antics, and unexpected twists, brought happiness to countless people who had the privilege of being guests or employees of Villaggio Italia. Yes, all the resort workers also loved his music and jokes.
I spent a few years working alongside him as a social director, spending weekends and holidays with him, and he was a relevant part of my life. He had met my whole family and was an idol to my children. One of the reasons I worked for many years in that position, even though I had a wonderful job during the week, was his presence at Villaggio. I always looked forward to reaching that wonderful resort and hearing his music and jokes. After all, along with his musical partner, he was Villaggio Italia. The few times he could not make it to play at the resort, I felt very disappointed, and I believe so did most of the guests.
Today, Villaggio Italia and I Liguri are only in our memories, making us yearn for a much simpler time when we all felt like a large family.

Sadly, Lino has now left us for good, but his laughter and music will always be in our hearts.