Saturday, March 15, 2025


Librissimi – Toronto Italian Book Festival is a celebration of Italian Canadian writing and culture in all its forms, languages, and dialects.

The festival was founded in 2018 and is developed in collaboration with key partners and organizations. Each year the festival strives to showcase the finest and latest in Italian Canadian writing and build cultural bridges with Italian writers.

The event features authors, panelists, and presenters.

The 2021 edition will be presented online on Saturday, May 8, and Saturday, May 15.

ZOOM links will be available soon. Please check back regularly for updates.


Saturday, May 8 | 11:00AM EDT

2021 05 08 librissmi oiza queensday obasuyi 9OIZA QUEENS DAY OBASUYI is a freelance contributing writer and author who focuses on human rights, migration, and racism. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations. She has written for The VisionInternazionale and Jacobin Italia. In Corpi estranei, her first book, she deconstructs systemic and cultural racism in Italy from the perspective of a black Italian woman.

2021 05 08 librissmi gaoheng zhang 2

GAOHENG ZHANG is an Assistant Professor of Italian Studies at the University of British Columbia. He researches broadly on Italy’s global history and connections using a cultural-studies approach. His book, Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012 (University of Toronto Press, 2019), provides the first detailed media and cultural study of the Chinese migration from both Italian and Chinese migrant perspectives.

Against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement, Italian writer Oiza Queens Day Obasuyi presents her essay Corpi estranei (Foreign Bodies); an exploration of Italy’s colonial past and the systemic racism and discrimination that are experienced beyond North America. In conversation with Gaoheng Zhang, Assistant Professor of Italian Studies specializing in Chinese migration to Italy, they will explore themes that are common not just to African-Canadians, but aboriginal peoples and Asian-Canadians as well.

This is a bi-lingual presentation.

Festival Program

Saturday May 8, 2021

Date Time Presentation Presenters Moderators Zoom Link
Link will only activate at start of presentation.
No pre-registration required.
May 8 11 am Feature Presentation
“Corpi estranei” by Oiza Queensday Obasuyi

Against the backdrop of her essay on racism and discrimination in Italy, Oiza Q. Obasuyi will explore the realities on both sides of the Atlantic accompanied by Prof. Gaoheng Zhang.
A bilingual presentation courtesy of Italian Cultural Institute and The Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto
Oiza Q. Obasuyi Gaoheng Zhang Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 8 2 pm The Arts in a Post-Covid World.
An expert group of performers and arts administrators shares their experiences and insights as the world still struggles with the Covid-19 pandemic and what this means for the artistic community and the public.
Franco Boni
Roberto Campanella
Cam Di Prata
Patrizia Libralato
Daniela Nardi Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 8 4 pm Book Presentation
“Souls of Saint Clair” by Franco Deleo.
A photo tribute to those who started out as customers of the local bakery and became neighbours and friends against the backdrop of Toronto’s Corso Italia.
Franco Deleo Rino Noto Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 8 5 pm The Role of Picture Books in Shaping and Sharing Culture.
This panel of children’s literature experts, explores the important role of picture books beyond pretty pictures and funny stories.
Mariella Bertelli
Gina Valle
Rose Vespa
Maria Martella Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.


Saturday May 15, 2021

Date Time Presentation Presenters Moderators Zoom Link
Link will only activate at start of presentation.
No pre-registration required.
May 15 1 pm Presentation of the annual Accenti Magazine Awards
The Award is given for photography, works of fiction and, new this year, poetry.
Winners will be announced live Licia Canton
Domenic Cusmano
Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 15 1:30 pm A celebration of the
Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian-​Canadian Studies
25th anniversary and presenting the relaunch of Italian Canadiana
Paolo Frascà Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 15 2 pm New Releases in Italian Canadian Fiction George Amabile
Glenn Carley
Nino Famà
Genni Gunn
Teresa Russo Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 15 4 pm New Releases in Italian Canadian Poetry Gianna Patriarca
Carmelo Militano
Mary Di Michele Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 15 5 pm VCI @ 50 – Young Writers’ Panel
Two young authors speak about their first experiences as writers
Panel presented by Villa Charities
Liana Cusmano
Gianluca Agostinelli
Maria Pia Spadafora Click HERE to join Zoom presentation.
May 15 6 pm AICW Bressani Literary Prize Relaunch
This event presents the 2022 edition of the F.G. Bressani Literary Prize, organized by the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW). Giulia De Gasperi and Dennis Maione discuss the importance of the Bressani Prize, and explain the process of submission, eligibility, and deadlines.
Dennis Maione
Giulia De Gasperi

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