By Joseph M. Calisi ©2022 All Rights Reserved
Rome, April 23, 2022
In an effort by Prime Minister Draghi to wean Italy from Russian oil and gas, according to Italian media, from May 21st, public buildings such as government offices and schools in Italy will comply with “Operation Thermostat”, which restricts the maximum and minimum temperature depending on the season. The thought was to have peace in Ukraine by starving the Russians out of Italian money — a thought raised by the European Union (EU) as a policy.
There are some accusing Prime Minister Draghi of pandering to the EU’s wishes but this would have precedence and a possibility of a European Union-wide embargo on Russian gas.
The movement of the Alitalia sale into obscurity and the replacement with Ita Airways, is just one example.
Another example is moving the nation towards a Chinese ‘points’ system based on the use of oil, gas, and gasoline.
Apparently, the EU is in accord with Draghi so purchasing oil and gas products from the USA isn’t going to happen.
However, these restrictions come with a 500 Euro fine for violating these rules (up to 3,000 Euros), which may be extended to private homes in the future.
Energy or economic crisis may befall Europe if any shortfalls occur. The reality is that temperatures fall lower in the winter and hotter in the summer.

Photo by Joseph M. Calisi ©2022 All Rights Reserved
It is going to be interesting going forward.