Sunday, February 23, 2025



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In the charming setting of Queens College’s Calandra Italian American Institute in New York, the Dean Anthony Julian Tamburri officially presented, in the occasion of the Italian Heritage celebrations, Brooklyn’s cutting-edge publishers, Idea Publications. Founded on the premise of serving a share of the public so far ignored or neglected both by the editorial elite and the large publishers who aim their books at the Italian-American community, Idea Publications wanted to set the scene, according to the Editorial Director Silvana Mangione, of “informazione di ritorno”, that is of bringing back to Italy the information about the Italians in America. To the publication of Italian-American authors in translation, available in Italy but also distributed to the American public, and of Italian authors in translation, Idea Publications has recently added Italian-American authors published in English in order to introduce these deserving writers to a large audience.

Dr. Mangione has announced the intention of this state-of-the-art publisher to gain and retain a position of privilege, both in sales and quality, in the arena of Italian editors in America and took the opportunity to present four of the authors recently published by Idea Publications.

With an interesting introduction, in which she offered vivid images of the writers and their books, the editorial director Mangione presented CUNY’s Professor Emeritus Fred Gardaphè, author of “Importato dall’Italia”, the Editorial Director of the quarterly magazine L’Idea , Tiziano Thomas Dossena, co-author, with the Editor-in-Chief of the same magazine Leonardo Campanile, of the volume “Doña Flor, An opera by Niccolò van Westerhout”, and the well-known writer Elizabeth Vallone, who attended the evening with her latest creation, “Barbarossa’s Princess”.

The authors had the opportunity to expose their views on various topics and to explain the motivations behind their writings and in particular about their recent works. Dr. Tamburri, who added his comments to the authors’ presentations, also asked them interesting and challenging questions, opening up a lively debate on current issues related to the Italian American community.

The event was filmed by the Institute’s technicians and the taping will soon be available to the public on Calandra Institute’s television and Internet channels


donaflorDOÑA FLOR, An Opera By Niccolo` van Westerhout Paperback– April 18, 2010

HDL7_barbarossaBarbarossa’s Princess Paperback– October 1, 2011
Elizabeth Vallone (Author), Silvana Mangione (Editor)

BARBAROSSA’S PRINCESS A tale of intrigue, violence, sex, love and ultimate triumph, Elizabeth Vallone’s Barbarossa’s Princess is also a tapestry of the customs of the Holy Roman Empire, the Norman-Sicilian Court and mores of life in the 12th century. Barbarossa’s Princess is a veritable page turner. From the very first line, we are swept away on an adventure through the corridors of power in the 12th century. We taste and smell the meals, we see the unusual medical practices, we hear all the raucous sounds of life in an age more refined and more coarse than even our own. At the center of this delightful tale is Constance de Hauteville, a woman drawn from a nunnery to become Empress of a continent. She becomes the bearer of the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. An innocent, along with her maid-servant, Constance enters the corridors of power and grows to become as forceful as those who would use her for their own gain. Vallone portrays Constance de Hauteville as a woman of chutzpah and humility, a mother who endures the humiliations of women in an earlier time, but who triumphs and endures.

Paperback: 292 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0982537344
ISBN-13: 978-0982537343

To order on Amazon click here

To order a Kindle Edition, click here


donbrunoPuer Centum Annorum – Don Bruno Aloia (Italian Language Edition) Paperback– November 1, 2009

importatodallItaliaIMPORTATO DALL’ITALIA (Italian Language Edition) Paperback– June 19, 2009

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