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Presentation of Book on 9/11 in Florida by Three New Yorkers.

by Tiziano Dossena; Queens Ledger Dec 08, 2012

From the left, Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Albert Hickey and Leonardo Campanile

On December 4th, as editorial director of Ideapress, a Port St. Lucie publisher, I had the honor to present to the public, in the marvelous settings of the Civic Center of Port St. Lucie, the poetry book “The Island of Tears”. The author, Giulia Poli Disanto, wrote the profound and delicate Italian verses of this book, translated by Nova Blain, as a tribute to the fallen victims and heroes of September 11th. This topic is enormously emotional and up-to-date, particularly there in Port St. Lucie, where a yearly commemoration is held to remember the tragic event. Albert Hickey, an ex-detective who participated as a first responder, is the author of the electrifying and soul-wrenching introduction to the book. He is also the organizer of the yearly commemoration and the force behind the erection of the 9/11 monument that stands, as a sad but impressive reminder of that day, in the front square of the Civic Center. I had flown on purpose to Florida for the event, and I started the presentation with a brief outline of the book and of the author, followed by an overview of the evening. After I introduced him, Hickey had the opportunity to capture the audience with a sum-up of his experience with 9/11. He started with a chronicle of that ill-fated day and relived through the following two years, narrating life-changing and disquieting events, avail himself of a concise, impassioned but sensitive language that captured the interest of the spectators. After a brief commentary on Hickey’s discourse, I introduced another ex-New Yorker, Leonardo Campanile, Editor-in-Chief of L’Idea Magazine and publisher of the book, who spoke about his personal experiences in the war-torn World Trade Center, where the daily prayers initiated by a priest were the only consolation. He also showed a photograph of the first day that praying tradition started. With the audience fully attuned to the profound topic of 9/11, I completed the presentation by reading two poems from the book, “The Birds Sing No More” and “The Island of Tears”, very much appreciated by everyone. I then concluded by asking the audience to remember September 11th as a day that should unite people across the country, and not divide them with hate or internal conflict. I take this occasion to insert one of the poems: The Birds Sing No More The birds sing no more on the Brooklyn Bridge In my garden rubble and dust Blood-stain the grass And the white September flowers The smile dies on the lips And the mouth is only a cavern The nostrils swollen with dust The leaves redden The wind goes wild The myth of the Invincible collapses Nothing will ever be as before.







DONAFLORVOCALSCORE1_Page_1_iconDoña Flor VOCAL SCORE Paperback– December 17, 2014

Doña Flor is a lyrical drama in one act with music by Niccolò van Westerhout and libretto by Arturo Colautti. Composed for the theater of Mola di Bari, already named after van Westerhout, Doña Flor was performed for the first time on April 18, 1896. This one-act opera was conceived keeping in mind its dimensions, insufficient to contain large vocal and instrumental ensemble, or to allow dazzling scenic changes. The scene is only one, singers and orchestra members were reduced to the minimum necessary: three protagonists, a gondolier’s chorus out of scene, and a forty-three elements orchestra, as requested by the composer. Doña Flor is one of the most beautiful and outstanding Nineteenth century’s Italian operas; a one-act that would do well when placed amongst others whose fate was less transient and whose creators more lucky.

  • Paperback: 154 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0982537379
  • ISBN-13: 978-0982537374

To order on Amazon, click here



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