Saturday, March 1, 2025


The list of the 50 most influential women in Italy in 2024, compiled by the prestigious magazine FORTUNE ITALY, has just been published. The long list published by the magazine includes Italian women of excellence who, in their respective professional fields, honor the Italian country with great seriousness and commitment. In fact, the names of businesswomen, professors, managers, sportswomen, institutional personalities, and scientists stand out. All of these professionals have achieved respectable goals in their professional activities and form a significant list that gives us an updated and real snapshot of the best female energies that the country can boast of.

Among this group of talented women, the name of Dr. Cristina Di Silvio stands out.

She has been included in this prestigious list thanks to her ever-growing professional career and recent national and international successes. This prestigious recognition comes shortly after the publication of the American magazine GlobalB2Business, which, recognizing the great professional and personal depth of Dr. Di Silvio, dedicated a long interview to her as a seal of her important career in the field of International Relations, thanks to the role she has held within the USFTI – the United States Foreign Trade Institute as Director of International Relations for the European Community and also in her capacity as Legal Advisor to the International Institute for Diplomatic Relations Commission on Human Rights (United Nations).

There are many other important international positions held by this young and dynamic manager, who is always active, including in the field of human rights. With strength and competence, but always with a welcoming and sunny smile, she works in sensitive areas that require great dedication and commitment to identify and develop effective solutions to problems that many consider insurmountable.

How can we fail to mention two of the many prestigious awards she has received, such as the CALLAS TRIBUTE PRIZE, an academic and international ‘Culture of Peace’ award, conferred on her in New York in November 2022 by the Italian Cultural Institute, and the WINTRADE GLOBAL WOMEN IN BUSINESS award, sponsored by the House of Commons and the House of Lords, among others,  presented to her in London in March 2023?

Well-deserved recognitions won in the field, making Dr. Di Silvio an international figure for her commitment to spreading the highest ethical principles, and promoting progress, justice and universal peace.

Lastly, but certainly not least, as a further confirmation of the high esteem and respect in which she is held by important sectors, also at the national level, she has just been entrusted with the important role of Head of Management of Foreign Institutional Relations of the S.I.R.I.P. – Union of Parliamentary Interest Representatives, a role which we have no doubt she will carry out with her usual competence and great commitment, making further use of her vast international experience.

And she will do so, we are sure, always with her proverbial smile.

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