By Tiziano Thomas Dossena
I am happy to announce that Enrico Giuseppe Mazzon now resides in New York City, right among us. He has been creating masterful Works of Art since 1996 and it is a privilege both for Gotham’s artistic community and for the breathtaking world of high-class jewelry, of which he is also a master. I was very impressed both by his sculptures and his jewelry work, but in this brief article I will only mention his sculptures, leaving jewelry to a subsequent, more expanded article that will include an exclusive interview. Somehow, though, to separate the two is a difficult task, since his artwork is tied essentially to his experience as a master jeweler craftsman and designer; his creations in this field have given him the strength necessary to envision bold visual solutions in his sculptures, where sinuosity as a message of elegance and refinement is the typical outcome. His Work is self-explanatory, bringing an immediate sense of balance, equilibrium and, why not?, wonderment to the eyes of the observer.

Don’t look neither for classical Venus statues nor amorphous marble works that may challenge your sanity: he works exclusively with metals and threads and his sculptures are really conceptual jewels, pieces that please the eye and leave you in awe just as much as his bracelets, rings and necklaces. His artistic philosophy may be extracted from this statement available on his website,
The essence in shaping of things come directly from the void, because what we believe to be essential is nothing but the withdrawal of the self, not only in what we do, but in what we are.
Indeed, every time I create, I have a clear plan in mind, but then it is the creative power that takes over and manifests itself in what is universal. This is what I can ultimately recognize in my accomplished Work of art and this is what life is about.
Trying to explain what you actually want from a piece of Work or, rather, what the Work itself takes from you, is like attempting to find out the meaning of life. Trying to express what you really feel in those deeply intimate moments is like looking at yourself in a mirror. I definitely enjoy those at once intimate and universal moments.
What really matters for me is the utmost degree of intimacy I manage to resume with the world around me and put into my work daily.
Enrico Giuseppe Mazzon

Whether he plays on reflections, colors or metal contrasts, Mazzon is able to fulfill his promise to deliver an intriguing piece of work that will occupy a well-deserved place of honor in a discerning art collector’s residence or in a museum. This wonderful artist, who happens to be also a wonderful human being, deserves all the success he has been reaping and even more. A small gallery of his sculptures follows.