Monday, March 31, 2025

27th Anniversary Readings & Special Events

The Italian American Writers Association is celebrating its 27th Anniversary. Since 1991, IAWA has given voice to writers through its literary series every 2nd Saturday of the month. Readings begin with an Open Mic: IAWA-East is held even months at Sidewalk Café and IAWA-West continues at Cornelia Street Café on odd months.
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IAWA Features Philadelphia Poet Maria Fama and
Author/Performance Artist Annie Lanzillotto 
Saturday, April 14, 2018


WHERE: Sidewalk Café, 94 Avenue A (6th Street) East Village, NYC-10009
WHEN:  Saturday, April 14, 2018 @  5:30 – 7:30 pm
WHO: Maria Fama’ is the author of seven books of poetry including Mystics in the Family, Looking for Cover,  and the newly released, Other Nations: an animal journal (Bordighera). Her work appears in numerous publications and has been anthologized. Fama’ has read her poetry in many cities across the country, read one of her stories on National Public Radio, and co-founded a video production company. Her poems have won prizes, including the Amy Tritsch Needle Award and the Aniello Lauri Prize. In 1998 her poem “6:35 AM” was a finalist in the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards. She lives and works in Philadelphia.
Annie Rachele Lanzillotto debuts her new double book of poetry / memoir: Hard Candy: caregiving, mourning, and stagelight and Pitch Roll Yaw (2018, Guernica Editions).  Her most recent albums of of songs are: “Never Argue With a Jackass” and “Swampjuice: Yankee With A Southern Peasant Soul.”  Her albums, memoir,  L is for Lion (SUNY Press, Lambda Literary Award Finalist), poetry collection Schistsong (Bordighera Press) and the accompanying audiobooks which she narrated are all available.
COVER: $8 includes beverage
DIRECTIONS: By Subway, F to Second Avenue or #6 to Astor Place
IAWA: iawa.netIAWA Newsletter: [email protected]
BLOG: italian american writers café
Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Direttore Editoriale della rivista.

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