Sunday, March 9, 2025





How Italians Conquered the World

Thursday, June 16th, 6:30 P.M.

Book Reading and Signing by Christopher Kelly


Light refreshments will be served

You are cordially invited to attend a reading of Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock’s latest book entitled, “Italy Invades: How Italians Conquered the World” at the Italian American Museum on Thursday, June 16th.

About the Book:

Recreating their success with America Invades, Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock take another global tour, this time starting from Italy and exploring that country’s military involvements throughout the ancient and modern worlds. From the empire building of the Romans, through the globe-spanning Age of Exploration, to the multinational cooperation of NATO, Italy has conquered and explored countries as diverse and far-ranging as Cape Verde and Mongolia and Uruguay. With the additional guide of maps and photographs, the reader can visually follow the Italians as they conquer the world.italyconquer

The book also contains an excerpt from the never-before published An Adventure in 1914, written by Christopher Kelly’s maternal great-grandfather, Thomas Tileston Wells. Wells served as the American consul general to Romania each summer; and in the summer of 1914, as war exploded across Europe, he was there with his wife and two children.

Italy Invades: How the Italians Conquered the World, full of restless adventurers, canny generals, and the occasional scoundrel, is a fast-paced and compelling read, the perfect sequel to America Invades.

About the Authors:

Christopher Kelly, the former chairman of Chyron Corporation, has had a lifelong passion for military history. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, Kelly is Italian by marriage.

Stuart Laycock has a degree in Classics from Cambridge University. He has authored or coauthored a number of books dealing with Roman Britain and its end, and also wrote All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To. He was a witness to Italian peacekeeping in Bosnia while on a humanitarian mission there.

Thursday, June 16th, 6:30 P.M.

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013

Suggested donation of $10 per person
RSVP Code: Italy0616
For reservations, please call the
Italian American Museum at 212.965.9000

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